Alpha Course


Alpha is a series of group conversations that explore life, spirituality and faith through Christian lens. We create a non-judgemental and open environment where it’s easy for anyone who is an atheist, skeptic or just curious about faith and explore questions of life with new friends.

If you want to know more we’d love to invite you to try Session 1 of Alpha. It will be a fun evening where you can find out if alpha is for you. We’ll be running six identical introduction sessions – so find a time that works and join us!



Alpha meets weekly. Each session includes a 25 minute film. Designed to inspire more questions than provide answers, these short films explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity, addressing questions such as Who is Jesus? and How can we have faith? Watch a film each week from the comfort of your home through the link we will send you.

The entire night builds towards this peak experience: after the film you will be put into breakout groups and your hosts will lead conversations in small groups where you can share your thoughts  about faith and life and hear from others in your group. You can feel free to say whatever you like or as little as you like, it’s up to you.



Alpha is for everyone, especially:

  • Those who have given up on church
  • Those wanting to investigate Christianity
  • Those who are new to the Christian faith
  • Those who want to invite a friend.
  • Those wanting to grow in understanding and faith


The Alpha course is free for everyone – no donations need to be accepted from participants.


Every Tuesday, 18:30 starting January 14th.